

從日本到台灣,再往南綿延至菲律賓與印尼的東亞島弧,在這海納百川的多元文化環境中,亞洲青年藝術家們來自不同文化背景,卻有著相同課題,彼此都在當代藝術的茫茫大海中找尋相對於西方的創作方向,生於斯的黑盒子影像沙龍與因「漫遊島城」展覽訪台的亞洲攝影家們,是否在蒼海獨行之際,最終相遇在殊途同歸的理念? 還是在不同方位中暗示著彼此可深入探索的另一片天空 ?



Insular Cities drowned in Western ideology: the orientation of Asian photography
From Festoon Islands to Republic Indonesia, an area with astounding natural surroundings and diverse cultures, young Asian artists here attempt to define the concept of contemporary photography by piecing together the map from dribs and drabs. When Dark Chamber Salon from Taiwan meet the Asian photography artists invited by「Flaneur in the Insular Cities」, will they be seeking to fulfill their aspirations or to build a world onto itself ?

2012/11/11(日) PM 03:00 Let's meet in Nan-hai Gallery

Venue: NTUE Nan-hai Gallery 2F (No.3, Ln. 19, Sec. 2, Chongqing S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City) Panelists: Outsider’s Factory, artistic in "Flaneur in the Insular Cities", Dark Chamber Salon
